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How to Resign Professionally

Published 24th Aug 2020

We know that accepting a new position can be an exciting time, giving you a real sense of achievement, however, there’s always the daunting task of handing in your resignation. In our resignation advice blog, we give you a number of different resignation tips that can help you resign more professionally and put your mind at ease.

Resignation Tips – Timing

When you’re handing in your resignation, there needs to be a lot of careful thought and preparation as to when you should hand it in. If the whole process is handled in the correct manner it will demonstrate not only a positive approach to your decision but also a mature one. Alternatively, if you approach the situation inappropriately or awkwardly recrimination may occur, affecting your future career prospects.

Resignation Tips – Meeting

It is a difficult task to predict the outcome of such a sensitive meeting, so being prepared is key. There are a number of ways your boss may take it, they may congratulate you or they may feel betrayed and hurt, this what you need to plan for. The golden rule is to remember to stay professional at all times and don’t let you emotions get the better of you, we have collected a number of resignation tips to help you prepare you for your meeting:

  • Plan what you are going to say and stick to it, be firm yet polite, you have not made this decision without serious consideration; if you walk into the office to resign and you leave agreeing to stay you will in most cases have eroded the respect that your boss had in you anyway.
  • Retain your composure at all times and ensure that you can articulate why you are leaving, focusing on the positives of your career move. You will not gain anything by using the meeting to dwell on negatives. Remember that you may need a reference from your boss and there could be a time in the future when you meet again. So always be professional and try to set aside your emotions – that way you will remain focused on resigning rather than on justifying your decision.
  • The meeting does not have to be lengthy and although you will no doubt be questioned about your reasons for leaving, you do not have to offer detailed reasons. Remember what you have decided to say – and don’t deviate from your intentions.
  • Ensure that you have thought through the notice period you are prepared to give, stress that you will provide a detailed handover and where possible, reduce your notice period to an agreed timescale.
  • Be prepared for a counter offer and when it comes, be ready to reinforce the fact that you would like them to respect your decision.
  • Leave the meeting on a positive and amicable note with an agreement to your leaving date.

For more information on Resignation Advice, you can click here.

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